Home Court News How stealing alcohol worth Sh 7M has landed a woman in trouble.

How stealing alcohol worth Sh 7M has landed a woman in trouble.

She is accused of stealing the alcohol while being employed.

by Robert Guyana

A woman employed at a liquor shop has appeared in court and denied stealing the liquor worth Sh 7M.

Margret Wanjiku Ruguru has been charged before Kibera Chief Magistrate Ann Mwangi.

She is accused of  committing the offence on diverse dates between January 1 and August 13 at unknown time at Highbury Liquor Shop , located along 14 Riverside drive in Kileleshwa within Nairobi County.

The court heard that she committed the offence alongside others not before the court and the stock belonged to Purity Kinya Mutheee who is the complainant in the case.

The prosecution did not object his release on bond prompting the magistrate to release him on sh 200,000 with the surety of similar account.

The matter will be mentioned this month.

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