Home Court News Gas Company director in court over Sh 15M theft charges.

Gas Company director in court over Sh 15M theft charges.

Mahamud,Abdifatah Ali Hussein in court

by Robert Guyana

A director of a gas company was on Tuesday arraigned at Milimani law court and charged with six counts including obtaining money by false pretense.

Mr Mohammed Mahmud Hussein pleaded not guilty to all the counts before Milimani magistrate Benard Ochoi.

The accused who pleaded  not guilty on behalf of the company was later released on a cash bail of one million with one contact person or a bond of three million or of a similar surety.

While delivering the ruling, the magistrate also issued sermons to the second accused person Abdifatah Ali Hussein who failed to appear in court for plea taking.

While seeking for leniency, lawyer for the defence told the court that the accused person have returned some money which instituted another commercial dispute which is before a commercial court.

According to the  chargesheet, Mohammed Mahamud,Abdifatah Ali Hussein aMahamud,Abdifatah Ali Hussein and schooble energy limited that on the 7th January 2020 to February 2021 within Nairobi county, being directors of schooble energy limited conspire with intent to defraud by means of falsely pretending that they were in a position to assist the complainant to trade in petroleum products obtained ksh 15,500,500.

The matter will now be mentioned on the 9th of January 2024.

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