Home Court News A man charged with land fraud worth Sh 100M belonging to a deceased has been charged.

A man charged with land fraud worth Sh 100M belonging to a deceased has been charged.

by Robert Guyana

A man charged with land fraud worth Sh 100M belonging to a deceased has been freed on Sh 3M cash bail.

A man charged with land fraud worth Sh 100M belonging to a deceased has been freed on strict terms.

Peter Gathii Reuben appeared before magistrate Benmark and denied the charges.

He was charged that on diverse dstes between February 21,2014 and June 23,2022 at the Nairobi Lands Registry,Arthi House,within Nairobi,jointly with others notvbefog6vre court willfully and unlawfully and unlawfully procured for yourselves a Land Title registration of land parcel number L.R 209/2389/19 valued at Sh 100M.

The land is said to be belonging to the late Bertha Wamina Mugo,by falsely pretending that he was the sole rightful proprietors of the said parcel of land,a fact he knew to be false.

He faced another count of conspiracy to defraud against the law.The accused was also charged with making a document without Authority against the law.

Gathii was accused that an unknown place within the Republic of Kenya,with intent to deceive ,without authority or excuse ,made a document namely a letter of Allotment for parcel of land Pangani,purporting it to be a genuine letter of allotment issued by the National Land Commission.

He was charged with Intermeddling with the property of a deceased person contrary to section 45 (1 ) of the law of succession Act.

Peter Gathii Reuben was charged that on October 22,2015 within Nairobi ,jointly with others not before court,without any grant of representation or written law,intermeddled with parcel of land,the property of the late Bertha Wamina Mugo valued at Sh 100,000 by making a false document namely letter of Allotment Pangani for the said land,puporting it to be a genuine letter of allotment issued by the Land Commission.

He was released on Cash Bail of Sh 3M or a bond of sh 10M. The matter will be mentioned on October 3,2024.

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