Huruma member of County Assembly accused of holding fake academic documents has been charged with forgery.
Peter Owere Oluoch appeared before Anti_corruption magistrate Isabella Barasa and denied the charges.
The state did not appose his release on bail.
Lawyer Ochichi said the accused is a serving member of Nairobi county assembly, specifically Huruma ward.
While seeking for his release on bail,he informed the court that he has a fixed place of aboard.
The court was informed that he attended all the sermons by the investigation team when called upon.
He is charged that on December 2012,he presented a fake diploma certificate at Intergrity Centre claiming it was from Kenya Politechnique.
The accused faced several counts of forgery.
He was released on a Cash bail of Sh 500,000 or a bond of Sh Bond 3m.
25th March pre trial