Chris Mugisha and Al Bachiry Mohamed alias Abdoulay Bashir were accused that on diverse dates between February 17, 2021 at Delight Apartments along Diani road Kilimani in Nairobi within Nairobi County, jointly with others not before the court, with intent to defraud obtained Sh 7,095,000 from Kwalla karimi by falsely pretending that they were in a position to export certain 20kgs of Gold bars from Kenyan to Beirut in Lebanon, a fact they knew to be false.
Al Bachury Mohamed Alias Abdoulay Bashir has been accused that on February 17 2021 at Delight Apartments along Diani Road Kilimani in Nairobi, being a Mali National, He was found to be unlawfully present in Kenya in that you did not have a valid pass or permit allowing him to be present in Kenya.
They were released on Sh 2Million bond.
The matter will be mentioned on March 8, 2021.
Two men charged with Sh 7million Gold fraud.