Home Court News Man charged with defrauding CIC insurance of over 2Million.

Man charged with defrauding CIC insurance of over 2Million.

by Robert Guyana

A man has been charged with conspiracy to defraud an insurance company against the law.

Captain Ondabu Kiage appeared before magistrate Bernard Ochoi and denied the charges.

Court was informed that on February 11,2019,with intent to defraud CIC General Insurance Limited Sh 209,866.58being medical treatments of alleged principal member Grace Wanjiku and her dependent Beatrice Wanjiru by fraudulently adding them as beneficiaries of Kenya Police Sacco Medical Scheme with CIC General Insurance Limited knowing it was untrue.

He was also charged in the second count with defrauding Sh 93,511 from other members Annah Nzilani, Ezekiel Kiage and Amy Moraa by fraudulently adding them as beneficiaries of Kenya Police SACCO Medical Scheme with CIC General Insurance Limited.

Ondabu faced a last count where he was accused of defrauding the insurance of Sh 1,430,100 being medical settlement in respect to medical treatments of alleged principal members Caroline Mbithe,and her dependents Jones Muthwi ,Faith Mwende,Emmanuel Muuo and Maryanne Mutanu by fraudulently adding them as beneficiaries of Kenya Police Sacco Medical Scheme with CIC Insurance limited.

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