An alleged fake engineer has been charged at Milimani Law Courts.
Fedinarnd Wamalwa was charged with practising as an engineer without valid licence.

He was charged that on February 14,2018 at unknown place,he engaged himself in the practice of engineering by signing a document named letter for acceptance of tender 3/2018 proposed supply of labour for construction of dormitory at Kamuriari Secondary school,as an engineer without license from Engineers Board of Kenya.
Through his lawyer Justus Mutunga,the accused requested for favorable bond terms saying that he will avail himself to court when needed.
“The accused is is not a flight risk and is ready to cooperate with the prosecution,”added Mutunga.
While delivering ruling on bail terms,Magistrate David Ndungi said that he has considered the prevailing nature of Covid-19 and released the suspect on Sh 200,000 cash bail or a bond of Sh 100,000.