Home Court News Two Tanzanians charged with trafficking disabled children for exploitation in Kenya.

Two Tanzanians charged with trafficking disabled children for exploitation in Kenya.

by Robert Guyana

Two Tanzanians have been charged with trafficking disabled children for exploitation in Kenya.

Kuvi Paulo silva and Sita Yohana were charged that on diverse dates between the year 2019 and August 20, 2021, jointly with others not before court, transported and harbored a disabled child aged 14 years from Tanzania to Shauri Moyo in Kenya for the purpose of exploitation in abuse of position of vulnerability.

In count two, they were charged with economic exploitation of a child contrary to the children act.

They were accused that on diverse dates between the year 2019 and August 20e, 2021 at Shauri moyo area, in Kamukunji constituency, negligently engaged with E.T, a child aged 14 years in begging of alms which interfered with his education and his physical health.

In count 3, they were charged with being unlawful in Kenya being a Tanzanian National, they were found to be in Kenya without valid pass in contravention with Kenya citizenship and immigration act.

They were released on Sh 500,000 bond or a cash bail of Sh 300,000

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