Home Court News Activist Rubia files a petition seeking to have Ombudsman’s office abolished.

Activist Rubia files a petition seeking to have Ombudsman’s office abolished.

by Robert Guyana

A Human Rights Activist Charles Rubia has filed a petition at the high court seeking to ambolish the office of the Ombudsman.

Rubia through his lawyers Danstan Omari, he says that the office of ombudsman has never responded to their letter written 5 months ago.

The letter is calling for investigations into the compliance of integrity requirements in the conduct of discharge of theadministrative functions of the DPP within his office.

“The Commission of the administrative justice has refused and failed to act ,cause action or respond to Rubias Letter as required by law thus filing of this petition, “added Omari.

According to Rubia, the Judicial Review comes after the office of the Ombudsman failed to take legal action against the Director of Public Prosecution, approximately 3 months after being petitioned.

Rubia argues that the office of the ombudsman should be disbanded if it fails to probe the allegation against the DPP.

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