Home Court News A man accused of selling a Mortgaged vehicle worth Sh 3M

A man accused of selling a Mortgaged vehicle worth Sh 3M

by Robert Guyana

John Nderitu Gichuki appeared before magistrate Bernard Ochoi and denied three counts of obtaining money by false pretenses, and fraudulent disposal of mortgaged goods against the law.

They were charged on diverse dates between December 12, 2021 and December 14, 2021, with intent to defraud, obtained Sh 3,200,000 from Elizabeth Chepkosgei Cheruiyot by falsely pretending that he was in a position to sell her and Michael Karanja a motor vehicle make Mitsubishi Fuso, knowing it was untrue.

He was also charged that with obtaining Sh 800,000 from Karanja by pretending that he would sell him a Mitsubishi Fuso against the law.

In the third count, Nderitu was charged of disposing mortgaged vehicle without consent of Mortgagee.

Through his lawyer Ngenga, the accused has cooperated with the prosecution.

He was released on Sh 1Million Bond or a cash bail of Sh 500,000.

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