Home Court News A Businessman has been charged at Milimani Law Courts with Shares fraud.

A Businessman has been charged at Milimani Law Courts with Shares fraud.

by Robert Guyana

Artur Tigranyan was charged that between May 2, 2023 and August 2, 2023 at unknown place within the republic of Kenya, jointly with others not before court, conspired to defraud 500 shares from Artak Harutyunyan and 259 shares from Tigran Arzumanyan.

Tigranyan was also charged in another count with forgery.

He was charged that on May 11,2023 at unknown place within the country ,with intent to defraud forged a document namely transfer deed in respect of transfer of 500 shares from Urartu Holdings Limited to Hope June Okumu purporting to have been signed and stamped by Paul Minishi advocate.

He was also charged with stealing contrary to the law.

Tigranyan was finally charged with two more counts of stealing 750 shares on May 2, 2023 and August 2, 2023 at Registrar of Companies, jointly with others not before court from Ceiling Limited and Urartu Holdings Limited valued at Sh 25,000.

Ruling will be delivered on Wednesday next week.


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