Home Court News Residents of Njiru moves to court to stop eviction by kirima’s

Residents of Njiru moves to court to stop eviction by kirima’s

by Robert Guyana

Over 30 residents of Njiru have moved to court to stop the family of the late Nairobi politician Gerishon Kirima and the Nairobi County government from evicting them from a land in Njiru Sub-County.

Justice Judy Omange who is handling the matter said the matter will  be heard on

The groups sued alongside Kirima’s widows include Unity Self Help Group, Hurlinghum Squatters Development, and Njiru Mihango.

The judge directed that the matter be mentioned on March 5 before the presiding judge of the High Court’s Land Division for further directions.

The 31 officials of the settler’s group sued the family and the rest through lawyer Cecil Miller.

They stated that they are not disputing the high court’s judgment dated October 23, 2023, which directed all squatters inhabiting the land to depart by December 31, 2023.

However, they claim it has been difficult for them to reach a consensus with the Kirima family to pay for the parcels of land they occupy because of interference by middlemen.

“The governor (Johnson Sakanja) and the Deputy County Commissioner had on various attempts tried to have discussions with the plaintiffs members and (Kirima family) but no consensus has ever been reached to date as the process has been interfered with by unknown persons who are standing brokers to benefit from the transactions,” the suit papers state.

In an affidavit sworn by their representative Mackenzie Odera, the 30 officials say their group instructed Miller to intervene on their behalf after they received varied quotations of amounts of money they should pay for the land they occupy, from groups claiming to be representing Wairimu and Wangare.

Odera’s group claims that Kirima family advocates sent the letters indicating the prices without consulting them.

“The said letters confirmed that the family of Gerishon Kirima was selling the plots in which the plaintiffs (Chokaa Upper Chamber members) failed to pay the stated purchase prices to the family then the family reserved the right to evict them,” states the suit papers.

The group also argue that it is not clear to them whether the land they occupy is part of the Kirima family land and want a survey map or a survey to be done to ascertain the exact location of Kirima’s land and establish whether they are affected by the vacate orders issued by the high


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