Sunil Narshi Shah and Kamal Narshi Shah were charged with conspiracy to defraud B.N Kotecha and Sons limited, of Sh 79 million.
They were charged alongside Henry Musyoka Kavita and Sales manager Magnesh Kumar varma and United millers.
They appeared before magistrate Francis Andayi and denied the charges.
The court was informed that on 2nd April 2015 at unknown place within the Republic they jointly conspired with intent to defraud B.N .Kotecha and Sons limited of Sh 79 million by falsely pretending that they had lost business as United Miller’s LTD to their clients by failure to supply sugar.
The accused faced a second charge of conspiracy to defeat the course of justice,where on the 13 the ,October 2015 at Kisumu High Court within the Republic of Kenya jointly conspired to defraud to defeat justice by filing Kisumu High Court Suit No 38 of 2015 namely United Millers Limited versus BN Kotecha &,Sons LTD Hemal Kishore Kotecha &Harshil Kishore Kotecha using falsified documents to with local purchase order No 099 for Wema General Merchants local purchase order No 124 for Huruma Stores ,local purchase order No 106 for Alyam stores.
One of their employees Henry Munyoki was also charged with 3 counts of forgery .It is said the offenses were committed on 15th April,2015,where with intent to defraud he forged a Local Purchase order No 106 for Alysam stores purporting it to be a genuine local Purchase order.
Kamal and Sunil however failed to show up in Court after the Court was informed that they are in isolation after being exposed to Covid_19.
The Two directors of United Millers have been ordered to appear in court on Tuesday 4th to plead to charges of fraud.
Through their lawyer,they told chief Magistrate francis Andayi that they are in isolation in Kisumu after interacting with a covid19 patient and needed time to quarantine themselves an application which was strongly opposed by the DPP.
The chief Magistrate released the united millers employee Henry Munyoki denied on a cash bail of Sh 400,000 or Bond of Sh 1million.