The group has appeared at Milimani law courts where through their prophet Mwendwa Wambua made an application to have the herb legalised.

He added that it is according to their religion to use bhang to connect with their ‘Jah’ meaning god.
“The use of Cannabis Sativa colloquially known as /bhang/marijuana/holy herb/kushungpeng/tire/ndom/vela/gode/and or kindukulu should be legalized for spiritual use and/or ceremonial purposes as a sacrament is grounded in biblical redemption and deliverance especially the Holy scriptures in the book of Revelations 22:2 which states: “on each side of the river was the tree of life which bears fruit twelve times a year, once each month; and its leaves are for the healing of the nations” and Genesis 3:18 “…thou shall eat the herb of the earth” among others He added.
They claim that the use of marijuana is solely used in either “Meditation” and “reasoning sessions” which are religious meetings that involve group meditation, is used to help the follower to connect with the Almighty Creator.
He added that marijuana is usually used in a pipe (or “chalice”) or burned as incense that accompanies “Ises” praises to Jah and a short prayer is always recited and/or Chanted before it is used or burned as incense with the citation of prayers: Glory be to the father and to the maker of creation. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end.”
They claim that as part of their religion, members hold “reasoning sessions”. The “reasoning sessions” are very important religious rituals for Rastas – as it’s a time for them to come together to debate living according to the Rastafari outlook or “livity” and that the effects of using bhang to allow the user to reach a sort of “cosmic consciousness,” a state where they become closer to “Jah” (God) and can see the truth of the world more clearly.
The Rastafari Society of Kenya operates majorly as an umbrella body bringing together all Rastafari masses and/or orders in Kenya, which include the Rastafari mansions, orders, individuals and organizations to propagate the Rastafari ideologies and beliefs in accordance with their constitution.
Through their Shadrack Wambui,They said that being a marginalized religion they are subject to overt societal stigma, suspicion and this forces Rastas to live in fear and in hiding for if they live publicly, they become easy targets of constant police harassment through unwarranted searches, arbitrary arrests, prosecution, convictions and persecution.