Home Court News Businessman trading in fake gas charged in court.

Businessman trading in fake gas charged in court.

by Robert Guyana

A kenyan has been charged with illegally refilling L.P.G gas cylinders of other brands without authority of the owners to fill contrary to the law.

Abdi Maalin Ali is alleged that on 26th of May 2021at salama gas limited L.P.G storage and refilling facility located at Embakasi area within Nairobi county with others before court you were found to have filled 29 cylinders of total gas,Hashi gas,supa gas,oil libya and lake gas without authority from brand owners.

He faces a total of two counts ,in second count he is charged with trading and dealing with L.P.G cylinders of another license for gain without authority.

He is charged alongside Mustafa Adan Ibrahim who has already been charged in court. 

“Abdi Maalin Ali your charged that on 26th may 2021at salama gas limited and filling facility in Embakasi jointly with others before court you were found dealing with both filled and empty L.P.G gas cylinders for gain without prior written consent from the licenced owners in contravention of the law”read the charge sheet

He pleaded not guilty before principal magistrate David Ndugi and his lawyer pleaded for leniency,ruling for cashbail tomorrow. 

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