by Robert Guyana

The Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti has been ordered by the court to return seven firearms belonging to Jimmie Wanjigi which were seized during a raid.

Kinoti was on Monday this week found guilty of contempt of Court.

Justice Chacha Mwita in June 2019 had ruled that the State acted against the law by carting away Wangi’s guns while he still held a valid license to keep the same.

Speaking after the Court session, which was held in Camera Wanjigi who was accompanied by Lawyer Willis Otieno expressed relief over the Court case saying that the four year-old Court battle that had tormented his family had come to an end.

“I came to this Court on a matter that has haunted my family for the last four years. Very many officers from the CID raided my house in Muthaiga and persecuted my family for three days. They took away licensed firearms from home and put out a lot of propaganda that I was involved in illegal things, “he said.

Wanjigi said he was hoping that Court session would be held in open Court.

“We had been told that the DCI wanted to appear in Camera in this case where he was sentenced in February this year. But the DCI did not show up, “he added.

Wanjigi who also represented himself in the Court case said he was hoping to cross-examine Kinoti during today’s mitigation.

“I wanted to personally look him in the eye and ask him why he thinks he is above the law. I wanted to hear what had to say about my persecution. I also wanted to ask him why he flagrantly disobeyed a Court order when he should be an enforcer of the law,” said Wanjigi.

Justice Anthony Mrima will sentence Kinoti on November 18 this year .The DPP told Court that the DCI had filed an affidavit in mitigation and that’s why he did not show up in Court.

Wanjigi who is battling for the Country’s top seat also lauded the Judiciary for the speedy conclusion of the case.

“We are happy with the Court for the cause of justice has been upheld. I ask all Kenyans to have more faith in the Judiciary.

In 2020, Wanjigi filed a contempt suit against Kinoti for disrespecting court orders to the police to release the guns to him.

Wanjigi told the court that the Director of Criminal Investigations had been given a six months’ suspended jail term for violating court orders by Justice Chacha Mwita that the guns be returned.

In the case, the businessman explained that the police forced themselves into his house, without a search warrant from the court and took away his firearms. He said there was no proof of abuse of the weapons nor had he been charged in any court for crimes.

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