Home Court News 4 men has been charged with an attempt to murder MCA Jairus Omaya.

4 men has been charged with an attempt to murder MCA Jairus Omaya.

by Robert Guyana

4 men has been charged with an attempt to murder MCA Jairus Omaya.

The four faced several counts of preparation to commit an offense against the law.

Josphat Makani Nabutola ,Wilson Okumu Ochilo,Kelvin Chakuto and Wycliffe Mugani  was charged that on February 4,2022 along Ngong road in Kilimani Sub-County within Nairobi County, he was found armed with dangerous weapons namely a panga and a metallic hammer in circumstances that indicated that they were armed with intent to commit a felony namely murder.

They were charged in the second count with conspiracy to commit a felony against the law.

The four were charged that on similar dates and place, jointly with others not before court conspired together murder Jairus Omaya.

The pre-trial will be on March 3, 2022.

The prosecution opposed their release on bond.

The matter will mentioned on Monday 21st

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