Home Court News 6 charged with stealing Sh 9 M

6 charged with stealing Sh 9 M

by Robert Guyana

Six People have been charged at Milimani law Courts with stealing 9 Million being Company employees.

Josephine Judy, Emanuel Wawere, Beth Wanjiru, Edmard Mbugua and George Kinuthia appeared before magistrate Susan Shitubi and denied two counts of Conspiracy to steal and stealing against.

They were charged that on diverse dates between April 21, 2021 and September 21, 2021 and September 21, 2021 at TET OTIMOFF parts and Industrial Company Limited in Juja area within Kiambu County, being the general Manager and saleswoman /Men respectively to Tet Otimotiff Parts and Industries Company Limited jointly stole Sh 9,018,871.

They were charged in the second count with stealing by servant against the law.

They were released on Sh 1m bond each or cash bail of Sh 600k.

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