Home Court News DPP’s office Independence Challenged in court.

DPP’s office Independence Challenged in court.

by Robert Guyana

The Awards that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) received recently have been an issue of concern that the matter has been taken to court.

I’n a petition filed by Activist Fredrick Bikeri through his lawyer Danstan Omari,DPP haji is said to have received the awards while claiming that his office is Indipendent and according to Bikeri it is not.

Judge Anthony Mrima who is handling that matter has certified the petition as urgent.

“The respondents should file their response in five days for the matter to be heard on May 10,2022″added Mrima in his order documents.

Bikeri wants the court to compel Noordin Haji to return the awards he received at the Financial reporting (Fire) awards and to be stopped from declaring itself as an independent office .

Lawyer Omari and Shadrack Wambui says there are only two independent bodies in the Country which are the office of auditor general and the controller of budget while the DPP is misleading Kenyans that the office of the DPP is independent and he continues

to receive money as independent body

thereby obtaining by false pretenses.

The Petitioner through his lawyers

Danstan Omari and Shadrack Wambui of

Sheria mtaani want the Court to remove

Constitutionality of part V of the ODPP

Act, which was enacted under the

impression that the office of the

Director of Public Prosecution is among

the independent offices under Article

249 (3) of the Constitution .

Failure to grant the Petitioner prayers

, the DPP will unconstitutionally and

deceitfully misrepresent itself as

independent office and receive

illegitimate awards and recognitions

that are designed to hoodwink the

members of unsuspecting public on the

purpotted indepence .

The first respondent has been accused of

corruptly receiving awards meant for

independent offices in the Country and

be compelled to immediately return the

awards and money received as independent


Justice Antony Mrima directed the

Petitioner to serve the first

respondent, second respondent the three

interested parties within five days and

the Court to issue more directions on

10th May year 2022.

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