Home Court News Two in court over Sh 4M fake job promise at KNH.

Two in court over Sh 4M fake job promise at KNH.

by Robert Guyana

Two people accused are being accused of defrauding a Businessman of almost 4Million by pretending that they secure his daughter a job at Kenyatta National Hospital(KNH) as a Nurse.

The two Purity Kaimuri Wakarutu and Erick Kithinji Mwiti have been charged that on diverse dates between July 22,2021and September 29,2021 in Nairobi, jointly with others not before the court ,with intent to defraud obtained Sh 600,000 in cash from Abdi Ali by falsely pretending that they were in a position to secure employment for is daughter Faria Abdi at KNH.

They were also charged in the second count, with obtaining a total sum of SH 3,550,000 in cash from Abdi Ali  by falsely pretending that they were in a position to assist him to procure drugs and sell to Juba, Southern Sudan ,a fact they knew was untrue.

They are also charged with conspiracy to defraud against the law.

The victim Abdi Ali is being represented in court by lawyer Mohamed Farar who is watching his brief.

Purity and Erick are charged that on diverse dates between July 2021 and September 29,2021 in Nairobi City within Nairobi County, they defrauded Abdi of Sh 600,000 by pretending that they will secure his daughter a job at Kenyatta National Hospital.

They are facing a last count of conspiracy to defraud Abdi of Sh 3,550,000 in cash on false pretense that they were in a position to secure employment for his daughter Faria Abdi, knowing it was false.

The accused person denied all the charges and he was released on a bond of Ksh 2m with an alternative cash bail of Ksh 1m.

The matter is being heard before Senior Principle magistrate Dolphina Alego and the next hearing will be on June 28/2023.

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