Home Court NewsUncategorized Man charged with Sh 4M bank fraud.

Man charged with Sh 4M bank fraud.

by Robert Guyana

A man has been charged at Milimani law courts with Sh 4M bank theft.

Ibrahim Wataka Wafula has appeared before magistrate Ben Mark and denied the charges.

Ibrahim Wataka Wafula

He was charged that on diverse dates between May 30, 2023 and June 13, 2023 at Credit Bank PLC Koinange Street Branch in Nairobi, jointly with others not before court, stole Sh 4,225,000 in the name of ambrosial interior solution, the property of credit Bank PLC.

The accused through his lawyer pleaded with the court to be released on reasonable terms saying that he is a young man.

He was released on Sh 500,000 cash bail or a bond of Sh 1M.

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