Home City Rumor's KMJA condemns the threats directed to Magistrate Glady’s Kiama, wants immediate action!!!

KMJA condemns the threats directed to Magistrate Glady’s Kiama, wants immediate action!!!

KHJA president Derrick Kuto condemns threats to the Union members.

by Robert Guyana

The Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association (KMJA)have come out gun blazing on the defense of their own  Hon Glady’s  Kiama after he was allegedly threatened with dire consequences by an area MP.

In a press statement,the union  President Derrick Kuto says Magistrates and vulnerable exposed and called for an immediate action to be taken.

” The security situation obtaining in our Kakamega station brings to the fore the unfortunate and sorry state the Judicial officers find themselves in. They are vulnerable and exposed, ” read the Statement.

It added, ” The action by Mr. Salasya, MP, Mumias East, to openly threaten our colleague for doing her judicial work stinks to hell. That he even went ahead to post cryptic stuff about the incident is even worse. His proxies have equally threatened to harm our sister, ” Kuto said.

Kuto called out the Mp and urged called for security apparatus to act with speed and take action.

” We wish to condemn the careless, precambrian and pedestrian action by Salasya in the strongest terms possible. He is a disgrace to this Nation. He has lowered the value of the office that he occupies. It’s in the public domain that a report has since been made and the DCI is investigating the same. Given the public interest involved, we call upon the relevant agencies to speed up the investigations,” said Kuto.

He added, “The said gentleman should be arrested forthwith to face the full force of the law. Such entities are not good for the society.The Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association has since appointed an advocate of repute to represent it. He has instructions for the culprit to be put behind bars and be prosecuted with diligence, ” Kuto said.

The KMJA president added that some its officials have been injured and killed in previous incidents hence the need to stop the vice.

” This is not an isolated incident. Many of our members have been harmed and killed in line of duty while others have had to resign. Therefore, an attack on anyone of us is an attack on all of us. We call upon every Kenyan to frown upon such incidences.We hope that the Government of Kenya, through its agencies, including the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, will understand our daily cries for provision of security to our members, ” he said

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