by Robert Guyana

Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association (KMJA) has filed a petition against DPP to have  Mumias East MP ARRESTED Peter Salasya over his threat on a Kakamega based Magistrate.

The Union President Derrick Kuto said that police in Kakamega have not been able to arrest the MP despite a report being made at the Kakamega police station.

He told a news conference through the association lawyer Danstan Omari that the office of the DPP has not acted on the threats issued by the MP.

  • He added that it was upon the inspector general of police to arrest the MP.

They added that the threat emanated from an order the Magistrate gave for Salasya to pay Sh500 000 he owed a debtor.

Omari went on to say that if the MP was aggrieved by the decision of the Magistrate he would have appealed in the high court.

The lawyer added that the association takes the threat very seriously maintaining that Salasya was not above the law and he should be immediately arrested and charged.

“We also call upon EACC to invoke chapter six on the integrity of a public officer and have the MP resign or be removed from parliament,”said Omari.

He disclosed that in the recent past members of the judiciary have been threatened causing some to resign and others fear in the delivery of justice.

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