Home Court News Man in court for stealing Shoes and travel bag at gang point claims

Man in court for stealing Shoes and travel bag at gang point claims

by Robert Guyana

Man charged with robbing a businessman phone, wallet and shoes, possesing gun and ammunition

A suspected robber has been charged in court for the offence of robbery with violence, illegal possesion of firearm and amunitions contrary to the law.

Duncan Chanzu was charged before Kibera Chief Magistrate Ann Mwangi where he denied the charges.

The court heard that in the first count, he robbed Patrick Ochieng a Safari bag, phone worth Sh 27,500 and his wallet and by then he was armed with a pistol.

He was also charged in the second count that , on November 11 just the same time as in the first count was found illegally possesing with a full loaded fire arm which he wanted to use against the complainant.

He was charged with the third charge of round 9mm of amunition contrary to the law.

He denied both the charges and pleaded for a lenient bond terms.

He was released on Sh50, 000 bond

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