Home Court News Rwandese Investor to Kenya,Desire now wants to have his accounts unfrozen after wining ownership Suit.

Rwandese Investor to Kenya,Desire now wants to have his accounts unfrozen after wining ownership Suit.

by Robert Guyana

A Rwandese Investor to Kenya now wants the court to unfreeze his accounts after winning court case.

Desire Muhinyuza who has been declared as the sole owner of  Stay Online Company has moved to court seeking to have an order to have access of his accounts.

He now has to liase with the Director of Public Prosecutions over that Issue.

This has come just few days that the  High Court ordered  Kirimi Koome,whom they were battling over the ownership of that company  was ordered to  Refund him Ksh 400m by the court.

The High Court Judge, Mabeya ruled that Koome acquired the money fraudulently

“Accordingly I find that the plaintiff (Desire Muhinyuza) is the owner of the company and the first defendant (Kirimi Koome) committed fraud by not filing the forms of ownership properly,” ruled justice Mabeya.

The Rwandan Businessman Desire Muhinyuza and Kenyan businessman Kirimi Koome were each claiming ownership of the company in the case.

Desire told the court that he trusted Koome after being introduced to him and being told that he comes from a wealthy family and that he would connect him with prominent people.

Desire further explained to the court how he injected money, including capital, into this business, adding that he lacked the necessary documents, forcing him to register the company in the country because he was not a Kenyan.

According to the evidence presented in court, Koome was supposed to earn commissions and act as an agent, however, he fraudulently concealed information about Desire who was supposed to be the legal beneficiary of Stay Online Company.

Koome was charged in October with conspiracy to defraud a Rwandese national of Ksh.400 million.

Desire Muhinyuza, a Rwandese National and the beneficial owner of Stay Online Limited of USD 2,619,583.27, being merchant funds by falsely representing himself as the owner of the said funds.

The Rwandese is being represented by lawyer Danstan Omari in all the matters.

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