Home Court News Sh 60M fraud case against UN General Ali Jojo has kicked off at Milimani courts.

Sh 60M fraud case against UN General Ali Jojo has kicked off at Milimani courts.

self proclaimed United Nation General Ali Ojo and Victor Nyakazi were charged with obtaining over 60 million ksh from a Kenyan businessman kicked off today at the Milimani law court.

by Robert Guyana
  • A matter in which a fraudster and self proclaimed United Nation General Ali Ojo and Victor Nyakazi were charged with obtaining over 60 million ksh from a Kenyan businessman kicked off today at the Milimani law court.

Noor Omar Ahmed, the complainant in the matter narrated to court the chronological of event on how the two accused persons lured him that they were in a position to import for him reagents that washes United state stamps.

Appearing before Milimani magistrate Ben Mark Ekhubi, Noor told the court that he refused to buy the idea of by some reagent from Uganda after the one they were using in one of the apartment where the notes turned red while being processed.

“while trying to work on the reagent that was available,it didn’t work but turned to red instead of coming out clearly during cleaning.after failing,thy told me they need to import activation powder from Uganda since in UN office in Kenya there was no powder” Said Noor

Noor also told the trial magistrate that he had never met the main accused Mr Ali Ojo in person ,but they used to communicate through phone chats,video calls and sms.

“I knew or identified the accused person through some of the pictures he used to sent to me on wassup putting up military attires,at sometimes we could even video call and that is how I came to know the accused person,”Said Noor

Ali Ojo and Co accused are facing four counts including one obtaining money by false pretense and being lawfully in Kenya.

“Account to the main count,it is alleged Ali Ojo and Victor Nyakazi Wagwu that on diverse dates between 20th January 2023 and 19th May 2023 at Nairobi Central Business,within Nairobi county jointly with others not before court by means of fraudulent tricks obtained 420,000 USD “equivalent to Kenyan shilling 60,900,000 ” from Noor Omar Ahmed by falsely pretending that the said money was for the purchase of reagents for clearing stamps on United States Dollars that you had handed over to him,fact which you knew to be false.”Read the chargesheet.

In another Count,the accused persons were also charged for being in the country illegally.

The matter was adjourned following an application by the DPP who was heading to attend a funeral of a colleague.

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