Home Court NewsUncategorized He is an innocent investor, Court acquits a chinese National accused of alledgly possessing 300 litres of Aloe sap after strong Legal defence

He is an innocent investor, Court acquits a chinese National accused of alledgly possessing 300 litres of Aloe sap after strong Legal defence

by Robert Guyana

A Chinese investor who operates a company that deals with Chinese raw materials is now a free man after the court found him as a genuine investor and set him free from the criminal charges he was facing.

This is after her lawyer, Marlene Abong’o of Marlene Abong’o & Co. Advocates placed a spirited defence in court to prove that he never committed the offence as charged.

Abong’o also tabled before the courts origainal permits and other documents that proved that the said Chinese was a real investor and an employer in Kenya.

Wang Zhangyi was alledgly found with the said product t placed in 15 Jerricans of 20 litres capacity contrary to the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act.

Wang Zhangyi had been charged alongside Emmanuel Kipkogei Limo, David Ipomai Orodi and Joseph Mutuku Masaka who also denied the charges. They were however found guilty with the offence.

The chinese National had been charged before Kibera chief magistrate Ann Mwangi where they jointly denied the charges and were released on bind

According to the charge sheet, the accused persons had alledgly committed the offence on February 24, 2023, at around 1000hrs at Nkutuk Elmunget area in OL Donyiro within Samburu County

Lawyer Abong’o had told the court that the Chinese National had been in Kenya for over 20 years and had employed at least 120 Kenyans.

She  insisted before senior Principal Magistrate Samson Temu that the accused person was an investor in the country who had complied with law and requested for his acquittal.

The magistrate while reading his judgement said that it was wrong for the police to frustrate investors in the country and acquitted him.

She also adviced on the importance of doing serious investigations before presenting suspects to court.

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