Home Court News A man accused of murder of a police officer has been charged and detained awaiting bail ruling.

A man accused of murder of a police officer has been charged and detained awaiting bail ruling.

by Faith Karanja

Emmanuel Wekesa pleaded not guilty to murder of Corporal Tolbert Ochieng before Judge Daniel Ogembo.

He appeared before the court on October 16,2020 where he was charged with murder contrary to section 203 of the criminal procedure code.

The court heard that the accused committed the offense on September 5,2020 at KCC Estate within Kamukunji Sub-County in Nairobi.

 Through his lawyer Kariuki Karanja of Kariuki Karanja & Co. Advocates, Wekesa pleaded with the court to release him on bond.

“We request that the court grant the accused bail terms as he is presumed innocent until proven guilty,” said Kariuki.

However, the prosecuting team opposed his release on bond on the grounds that the offence is of serious nature and attracts heavy penalty if he is found guilty.

Ogembo directed lawyer Kariuki to file a formal bail application so that the prosecution can file their response.

Police records indicate that on September 5,2020, the deceased was strolling around 7.00 pm just a few meters away from his residential house when he met Wekesa and his colleague Eric Owino.

It is said that when the deceased was bypassing them, Owino who was being supported stepped in a pool of water. The muddy water was splashed into the deceased. The deceased after realizing that the two had not been disturbed by what they had done to him, he followed the request to know why they did that to him.

An argument arose which caused the deceased to hit Owino who fell down, Wekesa is said to have removed a knife and stabbed the deceased and ran away, he left his friend Owino lying there helpless. Owino later informed the police about the whereabouts of Wekesa and he was arrested.

He is currently being held at Dandora police station. Later he will be transferred to Remand

The matter will be heard on December 16 and 17,2020.

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