Home Court News Six cops suspected of killing two brothers from Kianjakoma, Embu have been charged.

Six cops suspected of killing two brothers from Kianjakoma, Embu have been charged.

by Robert Guyana

The six cops suspected of killing two brothers from Kianjakoma, Embu county have been charged with murder,

Police officers Benson Mputhia, Consolata Kariuki, Nicholas Cheruyoit, Martin Wanyama, Lilian Chemuna and James Mwaniki denied muder charges before High Court Judge Daniel Ogembo.

During the session, the prosecution asked the court to have four male officers person be remanded at Industrial Area Prison and the two policewomen are detained at Langata Women’s Prison pending an application before the court.

Defense lawyers said that they had no objection as to where the state wants the accused to be detained.

The suspects were arrested on August 17, when it emerged the two brothers died after they were arrested for allegedly breaking COVID-19 rules.

On August 31,2021, a team of lawyers representing the six implicated in the death of two Embu brothers withdrew from the case after the high court ruled that the officers should plead to the murder charges.

The six officers; Benson Mputhia, Consolata Kariuki, Nicholas Cheruiyot, Martin Wanyama, Lilian Chemuna and James Mwaniki were being represented by Dunstan Omari, Cliff Ombeta among others.

The lawyers led by Dunstan Omari had put up a spirited fight to have the plea deferred claiming the six police officers had contracted COVID-19 symptoms but Justice Daniel Ogembo dismissed the application and directed them to take a plea.

In a turn of events, the lawyers who were about 10 withdrew from the case claiming they had no instruction to represent the officers in plea taking.

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