Former Laikipia North MP Mathew Lempurkel has been charged afresh with hate speech.
Lemprukel appeared before Milimani Law Courts magistrate Bernard Ochoi and denied two counts of hate speech against the law.
In the first count he was charged with uttering insightful words against the Kikuyu Community and the second against white community.
He is charged that on July 17, 2021 while in a television show aired by Maa TV, he is said to have uttered a hateful remarks by uttering hateful words towards members of Kikuyu Community.
“Those people known as buffaloes marginalize us, kikuyu surely, no anything to be given to us,” which words caused ethnic hatred in Laikipia County.
The court was informed that the legislature committed the offense on July 17, 2021 within the republic of Kenya.
He is accused that he committed the offense while in a television show aired by Maa TV, he is said to have uttered a hateful remarks by uttering hateful words towards members of white community.
“We have white people who have vast land,” which words caused ethnic hatred in Laikipia county.
The state has amended the charge sheet and added a second count where he is said to have uttered insightful words against white men.
He denied the charges and was released on Sh 1540,000 cash bail.
Former Laikipia North MP Mathew Lempurkel charged afresh with hate-speech.