Home Court News Witness in Fake Lawyer case asked to present evidence of payments of flight tickets.

Witness in Fake Lawyer case asked to present evidence of payments of flight tickets.


A witness in fake lawyer Nazir Jinna’s Case has told the court that he sent money to him to have legal representation of his divorce case in UK without knowing he had no legal background.

Sunny Birdi a victim in the matter, appeared before magistrate Muthoni Nzibe on Monday and said that Jinna offered to look at his UK divorce case, although he had a UK appointed Solicitor.

“We did not know then that Jinna had no formal legal education and was carrying out legal work in the name of Khaminwa &Khaminwa advocates,” added Birdi.

He said that he paid Jinna to travel to UK on several occasions to represent him in that case and even hired some expertise for him. He said he knew Jinna since 2013 as his father’s lawyer.

“As a family, we have been duped by Jinna who pretended to be a lawyer and this represents gross misconduct, fraud and accepting money under false pretenses, “he added.

The aggrieved Birdi said that they were badly represented by Jinna with no formal clearance to practice law in any jurisdiction.

He added that he is seeking to claim damages for all the monies paid to him due to his fraudulent activities and possible jeopardy of his divorce case in UK.

“He says that Jinna only has only high school education, he said he has attached emails, documents and bank receipts he has produced to Jinna, “he added.

According to him, Dr.Khaminwa has written a formal letter denying all knowledge of Jinna employment with his firm.

“He added that Jinna has tricked many people into parting into their monies and he still carries out this illegal business, “added Birdi.

He told the court that Jinna also pocketed his children’s money for upkeep and maintenance. He wants Jinna to face the law since at the LSK database there is no record of him as a lawyer.

While being cross examined by Jinna’s lawyer Conrad Maloba, he was asked whether there is a case against Jinna filed at US but he said none.

Maloba wanted to know whether there is any proof of payments for tickets or any other payments made on behalf of the accused by Birdi.

Birdi failed to explain to court how he obtained a letterhead from Doctor Khaminwa’s law firm having his deceased son’s name

In the case, Jinnah has allegedly been purporting to be a lawyer with career stints in some of Nairobi’s most prestigious firms including Khaminwa & Khaminwa Advocates, MMC-Asafo, Conrad Law & Consultancy Piper May Solicitors in the UK and US-based Mussolini & Dessel.

He stands accused of acquiring Sh 50 million from the sale of a Mombasa property without the consent of the owners.

He is a director of Assets and Legal Affairs at English Point Marina and  is facing 5 counts of fraud and impersonation.

Jinna is  charged with fraud, he is accused of defrauding a family Ksh50M in a land deal He pretended to work for Khaminwa & Khaminwa advocates.

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