Home Court News Omari refutes claims that he has withdrawn defamation suit against Ichung’wa.

Omari refutes claims that he has withdrawn defamation suit against Ichung’wa.

by Robert Guyana

City lawyer Danstan Omari has denied remarks made by National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah claiming that he has withdrawn a case filed against him.

Milimani Commercial Magistrate Caroline Cheptoo has ordered Ichung’wa to be served with the application and appear before the court within 15 days, further setting the matter for mention on June 23, 2023.“Upon considering the application; it is hereby ordered that the application is NOT Certified Urgent and that the application be heard inter Partes on 23/6/2023 given under my hand and seal of the Honourable court this 28/4/2023,” read the documents.

Omari sued Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichung’wah seeking Sh11 million in damages for allegedly saying he frequents the infamous Koinange Street.

He took Ichungwa to court for tweeting that he is known along the infamous street.The advocate through his lawyer Brian Mabeya had written a demand letter to Ichung’wah giving him seven days to retract and apologise but he refused.

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