Home Court News Pastor Ezekiel appeals decision by CAK to suspension of his TV Broadcast.

Pastor Ezekiel appeals decision by CAK to suspension of his TV Broadcast.

by Robert Guyana

Pastor Ezekiel Odero of New Life and Prayer Centre has once again moved to the Communications and Multimedia appeals tribunal over suspension of his TV Broadcast.

Through his lawyer Danstan Omari, Ezekiel has appealed against the decision by the Communications Authority of Kenya(CAK) to suspend TV broadcast License issued to New Life Ministry.

He says that he is being aggrieved by the decision of Ezra Chiloba, the director for CAk to suspend the broadcast license issued to World Evangelism TV.

He is appealing against the whole decision.

Ezekiel says that Chiloba erred in law and in fact when after dispatching the letter dispatched directly to him, outlining various allegations pertaining to his television station failed to afford him an opportunity to be heard and refute these allegations in accordance with the hallowed principles of natural justice.

“Chiloba erred in law and in fact when he abruptly suspended World Evangelism Tv Broadcast License despite having explicitly granted the Appellants a 45-day grace period to adhere to the stipulated regulations and rectify any deficiencies within their establishment, “added Ezekiel in his affidavit.

He added that Chiloba erred in law and in fact by failing to restore World Evangelism Tv broadcasting license despite the Appellants having compiled and written to demonstrate compliance with all set rules and norms making the current suspension an arbitrary and unfair measure that lacks any justifiable rationale.

The Pastor says that the Honorable Director General of the Respondent erred in law and in fact by denying him the chance to exercise his right to defend himself, as the Respondent opted to suspend their broadcasting license without affording them due process.

He terms the act as unwarranted suspension and a clear manifestation of unfairness, represents a draconian measure, and flagrantly contravenes the Appellant’s entitlement to fair administrative action and a fair hearing.

Ezekiel wants the court to set aside those orders and to reinstate his broadcasting.

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