Home Court News Controversial Bishop Gilbert Juma Deya set free.

Controversial Bishop Gilbert Juma Deya set free.

by Robert Guyana

A Nairobi court has acquitted Bishop Gilbert Juma Deya accused of stealing five children.

This is after the prosecution failed to establish a case to answer against the accused.

“The prosecution has failed to establish a prima facie case against Deya, ruled Milimani senior principal magistrate Robison Ondieki.

Deya who was represented by lawyer John Swaka applauded the ruling saying that finally justice has been served.

“I thank lawyer John Swaka for standing with the truth and I want to inform the people of God that I have been innocent since the year 2004 when the incident is said to have happened, “added Deya.

Deya said that he has forgiven his persecutors, saying that he is going back to the UK to continue with his ministry.

“The case tinted my name …but I’m happy that I’m going back to the ministry.I’m happy that I’ve been acquitted,” he said

His lawyer John Swaka had submitted that the evidence relied on by the prosecution was marred with inconclusive and inconsistent discrepancies, which cannot mount to safe and secure conviction.

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