Home Court News Echesa’s Lawyers express concern over his Deteriorating health in Custoday

Echesa’s Lawyers express concern over his Deteriorating health in Custoday

They are worried because he is having a fatal disease

by Robert Guyana

A group of lawyers led by Danstan Omari have expressed their disappointment with the police for failing to release ailing politician Richard Echesa from custody so that he can seek medical attention.

Echesa had earlier been shifted from Muthaiga Police Station to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and after questioning he was not released.

Omari had written a letter to the DCI requesting him to authorize the officer commanding Muthaiga Police Station to take his client Echesa to hospital so that his doctor can review his medical condition as had been directed in his medical documents.

“His continued detention will make his health deteriorate and any form of justice related to his arrest cannot possibly take precedence over his health, we attach a medical report from his doctor to this letter,” added Omari.

Omari says his client is willing to subject himself to a fair process and intends to co-operate with investigations.

He adds that Echesa is a well-known Kenyan Citizen, a former Cabinet Secretary in this country and has a known place of  abode.

He says that going forward Echesa intends to obey any other summons and give any information as required by investigators into this matter.

Omari says that they had earlier been denied access as the DCI has since instructed officer commanding Muthaiga on who can access Echesa’s doctors, family and friends.

Omari and lawyer Cliff Ombeta who is also acting for Echesa says their client is suffering from Acute Pneumonia and he risks dying in custody.

He was arrested on March 27,2024 on allegations of self-abduction. He was detained at Muthaiga Police Station for more than 24 hours, which is against his rights as protected by the constitution according to his lawyers.

Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale was also present at the DCI office to be in solidarity with Echesa.

He said together with other Luhya leaders, they are ready to support Echesa.

Omari says that Echesa’s medical condition is deteriorating and his condition is fatal.

Omari says Echesa Interview with the police could not proceed because he had developed breathing complications and sweating and had to be taken back to Muthaiga Police Station.

He says there are other people who have died in custody after the complainant has taken control of the  police.

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