Home Court News Three charged with defrauding online e-Payment Solutions Provider of over Sh 4M.

Three charged with defrauding online e-Payment Solutions Provider of over Sh 4M.

by Robert Guyana

Three people have been charged with defrauding a micro credit and financial access solutions of millions.

Eugine Antipah, Shackbel Sifuna and Georgina Ayuma appeared before magistrate Francis Andayi and denied the charges.

The court was on diverse dates between April 4, 2020 and June 16, 2020 at unknown place within the republic of Kenya, Jointly with others not before court with intent to defraud, conspired and defrauded Mobifin credit limited of Sh 4,653,899 by falsely pretending that they were in an established business and being employees of Kolyne Holdings and Suppliers Private Limited.

Antipah was also charged in the second with obtaining credit by false pretenses against the law.

He was accused that on May 29, 2020, with intend to defraud obtained credit amounting to Sh 112,642 from mobifin limited by falsely pretending that he was in a position to repay the credit advanced to him with interest.

Sifuna was charged with obtaining another Sh 70,000 from the said mobifin by pretending that he was able to pay.

Ayuma faced the last count with obtaining credit to amount of Sh 114,092 from Mobifin limited by falsely pretending that he was in position to repay the credit advanced to him with interest on June 4, 2020.

The investigation officer said the accused have said that they are in the process of retuning the cash.

The accused told magistrate Andayi that they are willing to pay back the money to the complainant if given time.

“I gave out my details to someone I know who told me that he had a good deal of money and since I was going through financial challenges, I blindly agreed,” said  Ayuma.

They were released on Sh 30,000 cash bail each.

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