Home Court News A Nairobi Court has sentenced two robbery with violence suspects to life imprisonment.

A Nairobi Court has sentenced two robbery with violence suspects to life imprisonment.

by Robert Guyana

The two Humphrey Minyata Muhambe and Timothy Jahani Muzami were captured on CCTV camera robbing people while armed with dangerous weapons.

They were sentenced by magistrate Zainab Abdul who said that they appeared not to be remorseful. They were found robbing people with a pistol and a knife.

While passing the sentence senior principal magistrate Zainab Abdul said that the two accused Humprey Minyata Muhambe and Timothy Jahani Muzami aged were not remorseful of the offence during mitigation.

The magistrate while sentencing the two said that the pistol used by the two accused persons to commit the offence was never recovered by the police.

“I have considered that such crimes are rampant nowadays and the weapon used by the accused persons to rob the complainant was never recovered, it’s still out there committing similar offence” ruled the magistrate

Zainab also said that the sentence should act as an example to other young men to deter them from committing similar offences.

The two were charged with robbing Paul Sewe Omanyi of his computers, phones and their accessories all valued at Sh396, 733 on June 25.

Among the electronic devices stolen from Omanyi include a Macbook, an iPhone, a magic keyboard, mouse, eyeglasses and their accessories, among other items.

They were in a bag that Omanyi was seen surrendering to the suspects in a video after he was confronted by the armed thugs in the 6am incident.

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