Home General News New Sports CS promises to make reforms in the Sports Industry.

New Sports CS promises to make reforms in the Sports Industry.

by Robert Guyana

The New Cabinet Secretary for Sports and Youth affairs Ababu Namwaba has vowed to bring reforms to the sports Industry.

Speaking at Moi Kasarani Stadium where he met different federation leaders, Namwamba said that they want to work hand in hand with them.

He insisted the issue of Integrity.

“We must be open and inform the Ministry of any other source of funding that we have, we also need to nature young talents. “He added.

He urged the leaders not only to seek money for travels but also come up proposals to develop the talents.

Ababu also called for concerted efforts to fight doping with the recent surge in numbers of cheats posing a headache to Kenyan sports admins.

“I expect all federations to engage ADAK vigorously on anti-doping. We must end this menace by coming out strongly against it.”

The CS promised that his Ministry will work with all stakeholders to avail resources and support the fight against doping.

The cabinet secretary stated the role sports plays in the society mentioning its capabilities to act as a ‘glue’ to communities.

“This is a platform for me to outline the Government’s vision for the sports industry. Sport is and shall always be a social and economic phenomenon which plays a key role in creating a cohesive society,” said the CS.

The CS also indicated a review process for the 2012 Sports Act.

“If Federations and Sportsperson want policy and financial support from Government, they must accept to be transparent and to be held accountable. Let us eliminate doping, which poses a threat to the health of our sportsperson and the Kenya’s prestige and image.”

Among the Sports leaders that were there are those for legacy sports like Kenya Football Federation,Athletic Kenya, Kenya national basketball team and those once for the new sports like Kenya Catch-ball Federation,Bowling among others.

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