Home Court News Kirimi Koome’s case to be head on December 13/2023.

Kirimi Koome’s case to be head on December 13/2023.

by Robert Guyana

The hearing of a case where businessman Kirima Koome was charged with stealing 2,619,583.27 USD has been adjourned to the 13th of December.

This is after the trial magistrate Ben Mark Ekhubi was rquested to adjourn by the complainant lawyer Mr Danstan Omari that due to unavoidable circumstances.

“Your honour the move by the prosecutor to produce medical documents before this court is ment to expose my client’s wife, matters of health should and must always be treated as private and confidential, for that reason I oppose any medical documents that the DPP is trying to bring before this court.” said Omari

According to the director of public prosecutor,all criminal matter are advised to start with the complainant saying they usually lay the basis or the foundation of the case.

According to Omari, medical documents are private and confidential and should not be disclosed at any time.

Kirimi Koome is accused of conspiring to defraud Desire Muhinyuza, a Rwandese National and the beneficial owner of Stay Online Limited of USD 2,619,583.27, being merchant funds by falsely representing himself as the owner of the said funds.

He is alleged to have committed the offence on diverse dates between July 10  and October 4, 2023, in Nairobi jointly with others not before court and with intent to defraud.

Koome is further charged with stealing Ksh.14,945,000 (USD 100,000) property of Stay Online Limited which had been entrusted to him to make payment of provision of taxes for the said company.

He is also facing another charge of making a false entry in a document for payment of USD 100,000 9ksh.14 million) to his USD Account domiciled at Equity Bank and giving false information to the police.

He pleaded not guilty before Magistrate Lukas Onyina.

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