by Faith Karanja

BBI report, need serious improvement. For example wa fanya kazi wote wa umma watoto wao wote wawe public schools.

We need to review edocation sectors policies and improve standards interms of infrastructure and services, after high schools let’s 75 % go to politichinics for the practical skills and 25 % join universities for the research.

Enpowere talents, sports and innovation in schools.

Mtu aki patikana akiiba mtiani yeye pamoja facilitator wake katika huwo wizi , court ikiwa pata na hatia beyond reasonable doubt, wa kule life bullets za kichwa na mahali zao zote kuchukuliwa na serikali.

Hatutaki fake doctors wa kuchija mgonjwa tofauti kichwa kama ilivyo fanyika knh.

Wala engineers ambawo wana jenga nyuma Zina vomoka na kusababisha vifo na hasara zingine ama barabara ambazo zina aribika na 3months.

Hakuna mtu ambaye Ana faa kurushiwa kufanya kazi any department of ministry of edocation including Cs, ps and teachers in public schools if their children are not in public schools.

Wafanya kazi wa umma At national level incase wagojeke watibiwe katika any national public hospital. Hakuna kwenda medical treatment or check up outside the country..including head of state an Cabinet secretaries, politicians, Cj, judges, Ag, Ip,mkuu wa majeshi etc.

Wafanya kazi wa umma katika serikali za majimbo or counties in case waki gojeka watibiwe ndani ya counties zao. Hakuna kwenda matibabu County ingine, national level or outside the country. Including governor.

But Comon mwananchi anezaenda hospitali anywhere.

All public amenities and equipments should be leveled government logos depending with the category of the government. If national or for which county. Especially uniform, machines, stationaries, medicine, consumables,etc, ndio mkora aki patikana akiziusha katika Ana akizitumia privately Ina kuwa raisi kumchukulia hatuwa ya kifo na kuchukuwa utayiri wake wote kwa serikali.

Mambo ya wizi wa kura na mtiani, mtu aki patikana na ukora Wa Ata kidogo, awe Nani wala Nani apelekwe court, court ikimpata na hatia chochote alicho nacho pesa na Mali yake yote zichukuliwe na serikali na kisa apigwe risasi ya kichwa na serikali as a death sentence.

Mambo ya mashamba zifanyiwe review. Zote zirundishe katika serikali alafu ziwe Zina peanwa afresh kwa lease due to the user purpose, on renewable after every 25 years..

Mtu aki pewa shamba na iwe ame kosa kutumia kulingana na government agreement to the approved proposal, hiyo samba irundishwe kwa serikali utayiri wake wote uchukuliwe na serikali na akule risasi death sentence. Hakuna kupoteza nchi wakati.

We should restructure all foreign investment /investors, oil, energy labour, landlease and taxes policies to make conducive enviroment for the trade and also to embrace, accept and improve local and international technologies for defferent purposes especially infrastructure . These should be done deeply and do away with the beuracrscy, since we are short of enough quality commodities, industries, job opportunities, tourist and taxes collection increments.

We should have flexible policies on mining and explore of our minerals at a fare trade environment.

We do quality and adequate infrustrure on roads, energy, water, oil, and invest heavily in innovation, tallest and sports… Not betting.

Kebs wakiwa compromised na kuidhinisha fake commodities,dress, stationaries, cosmetics, spray, agricultural fertilizers, chemicals, equipments, food, medicine, consumables or anything for use in any way in Kenya. Wausika wakisha patikana na hatia Mali Yao yote ya chukuliwa na serikali na wa kule risasi death sentence. Hakuna kufanya experiment na maisha ya watu and you walk scot free.

Mtu akiepa na government tax utayiri wake wote kwa serikali na death sentence.

Salaries watu walipwe vizuri vyenye wanaeza meet their bills and save something for their future. They should receive their retirement benefits 6months before they retire. Labour policies should be streamlined. Both public, ngo’s and private. All subsidized.

Mtu aki peana blu print ama manifesto yake kakika nafasi yake ya huduma like political position or civil servant akishindwa kutekeleza kwa ngarama na mda ufao, awe Ana ngolewa speed na kupigwa risasi hakuna kupoteza nchi time, energy and resources.

Wafanya kazi wa umma wawe na makaazi mazuri katika maeneo ya kufanyia kazi. Like teachers, police and other civil servants.

Mau mau freedom fighters alive or dead heros, walemavu,na old ilitrates who had no adequate chance to go to school due to bad governors policy, wakongwe and Snr cityzens watengewe free bonus 5% of the national budget every year.youth, ladies and middle aged are sorted.

Country should use ability of its military and nys collaborating with the youth, NGO’S, ministry of agriculture,health and infrustrure to carryout out farming and building in order to offer good health to the Kenyans.since our military and nys has all what it takes for these vital services. There hidleness in the camps and waste of the wonderful equipment they have are not helping country.

Tjrc, Ndungu, akilano akiumi and krikler reports should be total implimented.

The above is what I think are missing in the BBI report.

BBI should mostly touching on economical revolution, human rights and fair justice. No room for any kind of impunity.

MUROKO is a businessman ODM political and justice crusader.

The pioneer of Baba while you were away. He is Great grandson of the Mau, Mau freedom fighter Fildmashal Musa mwariama M’kiriguwa.

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