Home Court News Over 7000 IDPs from Nyamira and Kisii counties petitions Matiangi over unpaid compensation claims

Over 7000 IDPs from Nyamira and Kisii counties petitions Matiangi over unpaid compensation claims

by Robert Guyana

A case in which over 7,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Nyamira and Kisii counties have sued Interior CS Fred Matiangi and PS Karanja Kibicho over unpaid compensation claims has been pushed to June 26, 2021.

This is after the Judge handling the matter Weldon Korir is said to be out on official duties.

In a petition filed at Milimani Law Courts, the IDPs lead by Rev Nenwel Momanyi claims that Matiangi and Kibicho have refused to compensate them.

The old man has been moving from one court to another to represent his people in vain.

They have also attempted to present their petition at the senate and National Parliament saying that they have never been compensated.

“Instead of us it is non-Idps who were compensated and we do travel from Kisii to Nairobi to come and listen to the case, “added Momanyi

The aggrieved man pleads with Anti-Corruption Commission, Kenya National Commission on Human Rights and Directorate of Criminal investigations to follow up the matter.

In their petition, they are seeking to have those who illegally received the money arrested and prosecuted.

On June 6, 2017, President Uhuru Kenyatta released Sh 358 million for the compensation of integrated internally displaced people in Kisii County.

The president then handed over another Sh 472 million to displaced people in Nyamira. The president said the beneficiaries were the last batch of people displaced by the violence.

When the team addressed the media team outside Milimani Law Courts, they said many of their lives have changed since the 2007/2008 post-election violence to worse.

Momanyi also urged the court to act in speed in order for them to get justice which they have been following for the last 10 years.

The matter will proceed on June 26, 2021.

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