Home General News Palestinian Embassy in Nairobi welcomes SADC’s position on Israel being granted observer status.

Palestinian Embassy in Nairobi welcomes SADC’s position on Israel being granted observer status.

by Robert Guyana

Palestinian Embassy in Nairobi has welcomed the position taken by Southern African Development Community (SADC) of opposing to unilateral decision taken by the African Union Commission to grant Israel observer status.

In a statement to Newsrooms, The Embassy says the move by SADC is in line with the International Law and the shared long history of solidarity and struggle against colonialism and oppression between the Palestinian and African peoples.

The embassy spoke during the 41st (SADC) Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government in Lilongwe, Malawi, on 17 and 18 August 2021.

During the summit, the Heads of State and Government leaders deliberated on developments related to SADC’s priority areas such as peace and security and the implementation of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2020-2030.

The embassy says that this resolute objection by SADC, together with other States’ objections, will serve as a stark reminder that colonial occupation, racism, and endemic violations of international law, which continue to shackle Palestine, must not be rewarded or appeased.

“The State of Palestine expresses its deep gratitude to SADC members for their moral and political leadership and for honoring Africa’s legacy against colonialism,” reads the statement in parts.

Palestine also calls on all other African States to join SADC in being the standard-bearer in the Palestinian struggle and to lead international efforts to end Israel’s colonial occupation and apartheid regime.

Finally, the Palestinian people continue to honor and appreciate the common bond with the peoples of Africa for freedom. Their longstanding and principled support and solidarity with the Palestinian struggle against the illegal settler colonialism and apartheid is a source of hope and strength that the Palestinian people cherish.

Palestinian Embassy in Nairobi welcomes SADC’s position on Israel being granted observer status

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