Home General News Engineers Board of Kenya(EBK)launches professional stamp.

Engineers Board of Kenya(EBK)launches professional stamp.

by Robert Guyana

 Engineers Board of Kenya(EBK) has launched an official stamp to ensure that proper systems are in place for professional engineering services.

Speaking during the launch event at the The Kenyatta International Convention Centre yesterday,the board chair Erustus Mwongera said the the move will contribute to the development and regulation of professional engineering services in Kenya.

“The Engineers Act, 2011 and establishment of EBK provides robust regulation of professional engineering services, public safety and welfare,”he added.

According to Mwongera,This is the second tool the Board is issuing out to the Engineers after the successful launch and issuance of Engineers ID in the road towards the full implementation of the Act and Rules.

“The Board is therefore cognizant of the fact that increased compliance tools issuance will result in increased public awareness of who a registered engineers is and what it entails for provision of professional engineering services,”he added.

He added that as the country implements Vision 2030 and the ‘Big Four’ Agenda there will be increased demand of engineers and engineering services in the midterm and long-term period.

Mwongera said that the Board is committed to fast track the registration of qualified and competent professional engineers to ensure that the country’s demand and supply of professional engineers is at equilibrium in these periods.

“It is in this regard that the Board has set a strategic intent to increase the number of registered professional engineers from the current 3,000 to 10,000 in the next five years,”he added.

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